
181 - Red and blue fishing boats


boated in red fishing boats
red small rowboats
red hope
tightened in brotherly heat
everything already lost
is there anything else to lose?
they know many opened arms are waiting for them
white arms without a colour
or an invisible colour
fighting against the black shades
of agreements and ignominious signatures
they bring bellies full of future
what can they lose
if they had lost everything there?

salty tears to salt the sea

their fishing boats and small rowboats sail upon a sad sky
which weeps acid rain

free, free, free

they are birds that come to the promised land
where there is a nest for each one
where the food is not scarce

the vultures continue their feast.

181 - Red and blue fishing boats - INT - 080715
photos: 444-FB-080614-6519/6532 - Cayuco azul y Cayuco rojo
music: Herbaliser - Moonsequence
translated by AiYiYi, my friend

3 comentarios:

  1. Wonderful photos and words, you know.

  2. Te doy mis felicitaciones por este blog tan bueno! sinceramente no lo conocía, lo pongo en favoritos ahora mismo.

    Un saludo

  3. Aquí estoy. No podía ser de otro modo.

    Un abrazo, no. Dos. En azul. Y en rojo.
